About Venus

Venus Banguela is a Holistic Health Coach, Yoga Teacher and Reiki Master Teacher.

Location Blessing – Maryland

Last week I had the honor to travel to Columbia Maryland to energetically cleanse and bless a home. Great timing for the New Year.  Although, Ive been doing this for many years in a variety of locations, as well as creating sacred  altars, it was only recently I decided to offer these services publicly. maryland location blessing

Everything is energy and everyone carries a certain energetic vibrational frequency within and around them. Energy can shift daily depending upon the person, situation or circumstance. The same way we do deep cleaning when the seasons change, such as “Spring Cleaning” is the same way we should remember the importance of energetic cleansing. Many fail to recognize and acknowledge the “sometimes heavy” energy that gets accumulated in ones home or work location, which can really disrupt harmony. The same way our bodies, homes or cars need to be cleansed regularly, so does the enrgy of the environment we’re constantly in.

Many notice feeling lighter in energy and moods…. email me if you have questions, would like tips or support.


Veggie Eggplant and Zucchini Fried Rice

Veggie fried rice has always been a favortite but yesterday I added eggplant and yellow zucchini giving it an extra flare. Give it a try:)

all ingredients are organic
veggie-eggplant-zucchini-fried-riceleft over rice of your choosing
diced eggplant
sliced and quatered zucchini
red/yellow peppers
eggs (optional)
vegetable broth
organic braggs amino acids (substitute for soy sauce)

Sautee onions, peppers, mushrooms, eggplant and zucchini in avacado or  high cooking oil. Add vegetable broth. When the broth is boiling add scrambled eggs. when the eggs are fully cooked add the left over rice and braggs amino acids.

Serve with a side salad and avacado!









The yoga experience is unique to every individual. Simply put, it’s an opportunity to unite your mind, body and spirit, to unite your breath and movement allowing for greater inner connection.

Yoga is available for everyone. There’s a variety of levels, styles, classes and reasons to practice. Most find it therapeutic and continue to feel the benefits long after class. It is a unique experience filled with endless benefits. Getting on the mat allows time to connect, breath, move and de-stress.

Some recommendations for class:

1. wear comfortable clothing allowing you to move and stretch
2. yoga is practiced barefoot
3. bring a water bottle and small towel
4. let the teacher know of any major concerns so you can best be guided
5. always listen to your body and practice ahimsa (non-harming)

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.
